Meditation has been practiced for more than 2500 years, but only thirty years ago scientific research confirmed all the virtues of the practice and its benefits on our health. But what exactly is meditation?

There are infinite ways to define meditation. The simplest way is to see it as a technique for exercising the mind. A method to achieve a state of consciousness that allows you to understand reality and change your life for the better.

Meditation is a way of getting to know yourself. Becoming aware of your own thinking patterns, triggers, and reactions. It is a practical way of calming yourself, freeing you from illusions and limiting beliefs. Seeing things for what they are. A simple technique that can take you very far, beyond the body and the mind, to experience our true nature – peace, happiness, and bliss.


Meditation has been practiced for more than 2500 years, but only thirty years ago scientific research confirmed all the virtues of the practice and its benefits on our health. But what exactly is meditation?

There are infinite ways to define meditation. The simplest way is to see it as a technique for exercising the mind. A method to achieve a state of consciousness that allows you to understand reality and change your life for the better.

Meditation is a way of getting to know yourself. Becoming aware of your own thinking patterns, triggers, and reactions. It is a practical way of calming yourself, freeing you from illusions and limiting beliefs. Seeing things for what they are. A simple technique that can take you very far, beyond the body and the mind, to experience our true nature – peace, happiness, and bliss.

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October, 2021

Vipassana Meditation

This technique originated in India, where it eventually disappeared and was revived in the 1970s thanks to Satya Narayan Goenka. There are now more than 200 Dhamma centers in the world and this meditation technique is even taught in some prisons.

David Hans-Barker, the founder of Yogilab, got out of an environment of depression, suicide, abuse, violence, and poverty thanks to this meditation technique. More than this, he became an 8 figure entrepreneur and decided to devote his life to spread meditation in order to alleviate the suffering of humanity.

How does this technique work?

You focus on your breath until your awareness becomes super sharp. And as you learn not to react to the sensations you’re feeling, you can take that to every part of your body. And when you do that, you start to be able to move down a layer of awareness to find finer sensations. As you go further down, you start to discover energetic sensations. They’ll allow you to experience the flow of energies in your body.

But along with that, you’ll experience blockages – complexes of emotions tied up to a place in your body that contains memories and lots of other valuable information. You’ll learn to feel those, and not react to them. And every time you do that, it releases the painful charge that is associated with them.

What you’ll find is that those complexes usually are heads of the hydra, they’re not the animal itself. So as you start to unwire a layer of complexes, you’ll eventually find the center of the complex somewhere in your body. And as you find that point, you focus on it without reacting to it, and then this complex will literally explode.

When this happens, a whole set of limitations vanishes from your system. At this point, you’re no longer meditating: you’re being meditated. You can access an immaterial bliss state, and see your life from a totally different perspective – helping all the internal wounds that were holding you back from living the life you always wanted.

So stop blaming the world for your circumstances and start looking for solutions inside of you. Your choices create your reality.

Take your power back. Start rewriting your story now!

How does this technique work?

You focus on your breath until your awareness becomes super sharp. And as you learn not to react to the sensations you’re feeling, you can take that to every part of your body. And when you do that, you start to be able to move down a layer of awareness to find finer sensations. As you go further down, you start to discover energetic sensations. They’ll allow you to experience the flow of energies in your body.

But along with that, you’ll experience blockages – complexes of emotions tied up to a place in your body that contains memories and lots of other valuable information. You’ll learn to feel those, and not react to them. And every time you do that, it releases the painful charge that is associated with them.

What you’ll find is that those complexes usually are heads of the hydra, they’re not the animal itself. So as you start to unwire a layer of complexes, you’ll eventually find the center of the complex somewhere in your body. And as you find that point, you focus on it without reacting to it, and then this complex will literally explode.

When this happens, a whole set of limitations vanishes from your system. At this point, you’re no longer meditating: you’re being meditated. You can access an immaterial bliss state, and see your life from a totally different perspective – helping all the internal wounds that were holding you back from living the life you always wanted.

So stop blaming the world for your circumstances and start looking for solutions inside of you. Your choices create your reality.

Take your power back. Start rewriting your story now!

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October, 2021

YogiLab's Mission

Meditation is for everyone. Including people who have never tried it, people who are agitated, stressed, depressed, sick, and even children. But no matter who is meditating, the practice requires patience and diligence to achieve the profound results that we talk about. 

Group meditation and a good teacher helps to learn the right technique and strengthens motivation. This is why Yogilab has built an international community of meditators who we support every day in their journey. We want to push each individual to be a better, happier, and more fulfilled human being.

Learn more about meditation

Learn more about meditation